public void drawHouse07(Screen screen, int x, int y, double w,double h, Color houseColor) {
//Creating the Base
Rectangle base = new Rectangle(screen,x+w*0.08, y+h*0.15,w*0.84,h*0.85);
base.setColor(new Color(232, 232, 230));
//Creating the chimmney
Rectangle chimmney = new Rectangle(screen,x+w*0.80,y+h*0.01,w*0.08,h*0.1);
//uses random numbers to assign a random shade of brown
chimmney.setColor(new Color((int)(Math.random()*81)+69,(int)(Math.random()*53)+45,0));
//Creating the roof
Rectangle roof = new Rectangle(screen, x, y+h*0.1, w, h*0.05);
//Creating the door
Rectangle door = new Rectangle(screen, x+w*0.6, y+h*0.6,w*0.25,h*0.4);
//Creating doorknob
Oval knob = new Oval(screen, x+w*0.78, y+h*0.83,w*0.04,h*0.04);
//Creating door window
Rectangle doorWindow = new Rectangle(screen, x+w*0.67,y+h*0.7,w*0.06,h*0.2);
doorWindow.setColor(new Color(173,216,230));
//Creating the windows
Rectangle window1 = new Rectangle(screen, x+w*0.15, y+h*0.6, w*0.3, h*0.25);
Rectangle window2 = new Rectangle(screen, x+w*0.15, y+h*0.3, w*0.70, h*0.2);
window1.setColor(new Color(173,216,230));
window2.setColor(new Color(173,216,230));